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How to Create and Manage a Claimable Reward

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Claimable Rewards is a feature that encourages employees to complete desired company tasks or activities in exchange for reward points.

Below are admin instructions on how to create a Claimable Reward, how to approve or deny a Claimable Reward, and how to export past Claimable Rewards.

How to Create a Claimable Reward

  1. To create a claimable reward, log in to your Fond account and navigate to “Admin” via the dropdown menu in the top right corner of the screen.

  2. Click on the “Manage Rewards” tab.

  3. Then, click on “Claimable Rewards” in the sidebar and the “Create a Claimable Reward” button.

  4. A Claimable Rewards form will appear with specific fields and permissions. We will go through the form now from top to bottom.
  5. Toggle the yes/no switch depending on whether you’d like admins to approve or deny the reward before an employee claims it.
  6. Enter the name of the Claimable Reward in the “Reward Name” field.
  7. Enter the amount of points an employee should receive for the Claimable Reward in the “Point Amount per Employee” field.
  8. Describe the Claimable Reward and provide any needed instructions in the “Claimable Description” text box.
  9. Add an image for the Claimable Reward by clicking the “Choose File” button, selecting an image from your computer, and clicking “Open.”
  10. Once the image appears, drag any of the selection handles until it is your desired size and shape. Then, click the “Confirm” button.

  11. Toggle the yes/no switch depending on whether you’d like employees to provide an explanation when they attempt to claim the reward.
  12. Toggle the yes/no switch depending on whether you require employees to provide an image when they attempt to claim the reward.
  13. Once the Claimable Rewards form is filled, click the “Save” button.
  14. You will now see a “Congratulations, you’ve scheduled a claimable reward!” message as well as your Claimable Reward listed with Status toggle switches.

How to Approve or Deny a Claimable Reward

  1. To approve a claimable reward, follow steps 1-3 in the “Create a Claimable Reward” instructions.
  2. Click on the “Pending Rewards” tab.

  3. You’ll see a list of actions taken by employees. To approve the claim, click the “Approve” button. To deny the claim, click the “Deny” button.
  4. If you approved the claim, you’ll see a “One of the claimable rewards was approved.” message and the action removed from the “Pending Rewards” list.

    If you denied the claim, you’ll see a “One of the claimable rewards was denied” message and the action removed from the “Pending Rewards” list.

How to Export Past Claimable Rewards

  1. To approve a claimable reward, follow steps 1-3 in the “Create a Claimable Reward” instructions.
  2. Click on the “Past Claimable Rewards” tab.

  3. Click on the “Export” link and you’ll see a “Claimable Rewards History Report is being created and will be sent to your email when it is ready!” message.